Team 4 - Week 6 11.10.19
Date: 11th Oct 2019 @ 12:53pm
Week 6 – 11.10.19
What a brilliant week! The children have excelled this week in a lot of ways. I am really pleased with their commitment and dedication to their work. They are developing a real desire to ensure they are producing the best work they can be.
In SPaG, we have been writing speech sandwiches with a real focus on punctuating correctly. The children learnt new vocabulary such as; inverted commas and reporting clause and were able to write these accurately by the end of the week. We have also looked at the four different sentence types ask your child is they can tell you what they are.
We have done a lot this week in English from describing and comparing scenes to exploring emotions. I am really pleased with their writing and looking forward to it continuing as we near the end of our first unit.
In maths we have been rounding numbers and even though the children have found this quite tricky their resilience to succeed most certainly shone brightly.
Our big cheese this week is SL who has worked immensely hard to ensure he is producing not only quality work but ensuring his presentation of that work is of a high standard.
You will see that I have added next year’s residential trip to school money. This is only so you can see what is coming up. The balance is not due until the end of May 2020.
Well done Team 4 on a fabulous week in school!
Have a great and safe weekend!
Mr Oldfield.