Team 4 - Week 7 18.10.19
Date: 24th Oct 2019 @ 10:53am
Week 7 – 18.10.19
I am very grateful for the children’s full support this week. I was unfortunately off for a couple of days and the children worked brilliantly and continued with their outstanding high standards.
This week we have finished reading our book the Gorilla and have finished ordering the book by scenes. We have explored the writer’s intentions and how he portrayed each character within the story.
In maths, we have continued our place value unit and looked at identifying values within a number. The children were very good at this and made some great progress.
Our Big Cheese this week is TD for outstanding commitment to his maths work. Well done TD keep this up.
The children had their picture taken on Thursday and the prints went home on Friday.
Please do not forget parents evening next week too.
Have a fab weekend!
Mr Oldfield