Team 4 - Week 8 24.10.19
Date: 24th Oct 2019 @ 11:29am
Week 8 – 24.10.19
Even though it has been a short week the children have still remained focussed and ensured we complete our work effectively.
In English, we dedicated some time to writing poems. We used our week’s topic of recycling to base them on and they are brilliant. These will be shared in our classroom so come take a look.
In maths, we have been looking at estimating and pointing values on a number line. This has really challenged the children and it has been joyous watching them grapple with this step of the unit.
In SPaG, we have concentrated a lot on spellings this week. Could you please test your child using the following words;
actual, ordinary, occasionally, certain and surprise
Our Big Cheese this week is DC for committing perfectly to his work and producing great poetry.
Don’t forget we are not in tomorrow Friday 24th October and are back to school on Tuesday 5Th November.
Thank you for making parents evening a success.
Have a wonderful memory-making half term and stay happy and safe.
Mr Oldfield