Team 4 Wb 10.10.22

Date: 16th Oct 2022 @ 5:40pm

What a busy week we have had in Team 4!

In English this week, we finished reading our class text Gorilla and then we explored how the story made us feel at different points. We created an emotions graph to show this. We also plotted the different stages of the story on a story mountain to show the sequence of the story at different points in preparation to begin writing our very own next week!

In our spelling this week, we were focussing on homophones (words that sound the same but are spelt differently). You can support this learning by practising the following words at home:








In maths, we have been learning how to use mental strategies to help us to calculate everyday problems. We learnt we can use number bonds to support us with calculating answers as well as using rounding to help us to mentally answer questions.

In our afternoon learning, the children finished their gorilla faces made out of clay and painted them, we went swimming in PE and in science we created our very own food graphs to show how energy is transferred between animals.

Have a great weekend Team 4!

Mr Lawrie