Team 4 Wb 10.6.24

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 2:28pm

What another busy week we have had in Team 4 this week!

In our writing sessions this week, we were busy creating our very own non-chronological reports all about Europe. Our key question to investigate was 'Is Europe The Same All Over?' We used the IPads, atlases and maps to gather information before we wrote each paragraph. Next week the children will proof read their reports, edit them and  identify improvements.
In spelling, we looked at alternative spellings for the /ay/ sound. You can support this learning at home be practising the following spellings:

  • grey
  • weigh
  • eighteen
  • obey
  • reign
  • rein

In maths, we concluded our learning about shape consolidating all of our knowledge about angles, properties of shapes and also symmetry by applying this learning to a range of word problems and real life scenarios. The children then started their final unit of the year with Mrs Hulse on Friday which was all about learning the Roman Numerals from 1-20. You could support this learning at home by practising them with your child.

In afternoon learning, the children completed their Multiplication Tables Checks, they completed their DEAR time enjoying their chosen books and in science they continued learning all about electricity. 

A couple of reminders for next week:

  • Please can reading records and books come into school on Monday so they can be checked and swapped.
  • PE is on Thursday so please ensure that children come into school in their PE kits on this day.
  • Mouse Mania next week is drawing/colouring so the children do not need to bring anything in with them.

Have a wonderful weekend Team 4! 

Mr L