Team 4 Wb 11.12.23
Date: 16th Dec 2023 @ 7:55pm
What a busy final week of the term we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we wrote our very own Greek Mythological stories drawing upon our learning throughout this unit. The children created their own main characters, mythical creatures, then following the plan of our class story, they then created their own story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each one of these stories and it was wonderful to see the children apply the skills they have learnt in this unit. You could ask your child about the story they wrote and ask them to tell you what happened.
In maths, the children completed their times table challenges and also learnt how to multiply by ten and other multiples of ten using a range of methods. The children then applied this learning to a range of word problems to help them to see this method in a range of real-life scenarios.
In our afternoon learning, we learnt about life in Ancient Greece and how they used democracy to make decisions. We looked at how this has influenced the modern Western World and discussed how our country is governed comparing the similarities of the present age to that period of time. In our afternoon learning, we also prepared our Christmas markets and then held them for our wonderful families. The children loved preparing the markets and also showcasing their music learning by singing carols.
I was also very proud of Team 4 as we managed to beat Team 5 in our first TT Rockstars battle winning by 30 points. Well done Team 4 and remember to keep practising over the Christmas break!
Finally, in preparation for Christmas, we had our Christmas parties where we sang, danced and played a number of party games.
Have a wonderful Christmas break and I look forward to seeing you all in 2024!
Kind regards
Mr L