Team 4 Wb 1.1.24
Date: 4th Jan 2024 @ 10:36pm
What a busy first few days back we have had!
In our English learning this week, we have been editing our stories that we finished writing before we broke up for Christmas adding additional paragraphs to end our stories, editing spellings, adding ideas and also ensuring the vocabulary used builds a rich picture in the reader's mind. We also completed some spelling work this week learning some new common exception words from the Team 3/4 list (you can find these words on our class page).
In maths, we learnt how to use the column method to multiply two-digit numbers by a one-digit number. The children spent time learning the rules for this method and then they applied this learning to a range of fluency questions. Once confident, they then applied this method to word problems as well. We also completed our weekly times table challenge which the children should have brought home for you to see their progress. Please remember to encourage your child to access TT Rockstars at home as the times tables they have been set on it link to their times table challenge sheet they are working on.
In our afternoon learning, we learnt how to ask and reply where we live in French, in history we learnt how the Ancient Greek Olympics have influenced the modern Olympics and finally we also completed DEAR time reading our own chosen books.
Just a couple of reminders:
- Please ensure reading books and records are brought in on Monday morning to be changed
- Our new PE day is Thursday this term so please ensure children come in their PE clothes on this day.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!
Kind regards
Mr L