Team 4 Wb 11.3.24
Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 10:43am
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we continued reading our new class book 'When The Giant Stirred'. The children explored what life would have been like for an islander living in the Pacific Ocean and their daily routines/duties. The children then planned and created their very own diary entries based written as if they were one of these islanders. I thoroughly enjoyed reading these diaries and the children used lots of lovely ideas and phrases to bring their writing to life in the reader's mind.
In maths, we started our new unit all about decimals. The children explored the concept of tenths and how different amounts of tenths can be written as a decimal e.g. 0.1 or 0.4. Once confident, the children then explored how they could write decimals as a combination of whole numbers and tenths (e.g. 2.4 of 1.3) and then completed activities in their workbooks to show this learning. They then applied this learning to a range of word problems and everyday scenarios.
In our afternoon learning, the children continued learning to play the violin in music with Jay. In geography, they explored the different human and physical features of Europe and then looked at where volcanoes are located around Europe. The children also completed their times table challenge and continued working on TT Rockstars as they battle to beat Team 3 in their current TT Rockstars battle.
Just a couple of reminders:
- Please ensure that reading books and journals are returned on Monday so that they can be checked and new books given.
- We are currently in a TT Rockstars Battle against Team 3. The children have been asked to play on TT Rockstars for 10 minutes each day to contribute towards our class total score to try and win!
Have a lovely weekend Team 4!
Mr L