Team 4 Wb 11.9.23
Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 4:38pm
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we worked hard to develop or knowledge and understanding of linguistical features to aid description. We learnt how to create list sentences and use expanded noun phrases. We then learnt how we can select adverbs for effect and applied all of these skills into an applied piece of writing. The children produced some wonderful pieces of work and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them!
In maths, we learnt how to partition four-digit numbers in a range of ways and used a range of practical resources to help us to understand how to do this. We then applied this learning to a range of word problems which the children enjoyed tackling.
In our topic learning, we learnt how to ask the question ‘How much/many?’ in French and then created our own role play using Euros where the children had to ask each other how much money they had in their hand applying their previous learning of counting in multiples of ten. In our computing, the children learnt all about GDPR and what this means for their own data and how they can keep it safe when online.
See you on Monday Team 4!
Mr L