Team 4 Wb 13.11.23
Date: 19th Nov 2023 @ 7:56am
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we read our very first Ancient Greek myth about the character Odysseus. We looked at some images from the story and made predictions about what could happen in it using our inference skills. We then used this story to practise joining clauses in sentences before doing some word level work adding a range of skills to our sentences to develop them.
In maths, we continued exploring multiplication and division. We practised all of our times tables, learnt how we can use the commutative method to help us to answer tricky multiplication questions and then we also started learning with Mrs Hulse how to divide given amounts by six using a range of methods.
In our afternoon learning, we learnt how to draw Ancient Greek characters in Art with Mrs Coman-Jones, we went swimming in PE, we learnt more about interest rates in our money unit in PSHE and we also completed our times tables challenges. We also started practising our Christmas songs in preparation for our Christmas markets in December!
Have a lovely weekend Team 4!
Mr L