Team 4 Wb 13.5.24

Date: 18th May 2024 @ 9:26pm

What another busy week we have had in Team 4!


In our English learning this week, we started reading our brand new text. We learnt that this new text is all about the ‘Rainforest’ and we made our very own predictions based on the front cover and we also learnt about deforestation and the impact this has on communities and people who live on the land.


In maths, we started learning all about angles. We learnt how to identify right angles and also the difference between an acute angle and an obtuse angle. We used right angle checkers to help us identify angles in a range of shapes and then we also started to apply this learning to a range of word problems. In times tables, the children worked each day on the MTC practise link and used their notebooks to write any times tables they needed to practise.


In afternoon learning, in DEAR time, the children continued reading their selected books. In geography, the class looked at the Premier League table and then used atlases and Google Maps to identify where the top ten football teams were located in the UK. In PE, the children learnt all about fielding techniques and practised throwing, catching and working as a team.


Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!


A couple of reminders:


  1. Please ensure reading records are brought in on Monday so books can be checked/swapped.
  2. Mouse Mania next Friday is a film and sweets. Your child can bring in a small treat to have as they watch the film.
  3. Finally, please continue practising times tables with your child in preparation for their upcoming Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)