Team 4 Wb 15.1.24
Date: 20th Jan 2024 @ 5:37pm
What another busy week Team 4 have had!
In English this week, Team 4 have been reading the next part of the class book ‘Escape From Pompeii’. They explored what Pompeii looked like in the Roman times and what a typical Roman city would have looked like and been like at that time. They also explored some of the pictures from the book and discussed why some of the buildings were cracked linked to historical tremors in the build up to the eruption.
In maths, the children completed their further multiplication and division unit. They learnt the bus stop method to divide two and three-digit numbers by a single-digit number and then applied this learning to a range of fluency and word-problems. Next week, the children will begin their next unit which is all about fractions.
In their afternoon learning, the children learnt how the Roman army were organised and how they revolutionised warfare. With this understanding, they then discovered how and why there were so successful in conquering other nations. In science, the children continued learning all about the human body and the digestive system and in music the children completed their first violin lesson learning how to hold the violin and a few simple chords.
A couple of quick reminders ready for next week:
- Please ensure reading books and records come into school on Monday so they can be changed.
- Please can the children bring in some playdough on Tuesday for geography (see previous message)
- Next weeks Mouse Mania is Board Games. The children can bring in a board game to play on Friday.
Have a great weekend Team 4! See you on Monday
Mr L