Team 4 - Wb 16.10.23
Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 10:54am
What a busy final week of the half term we have had!
In our English learning this week, we planned and created our very own stories based on our class text ‘The One and Only Ivan’ by Katherine Applegate. In their stories, the children were encouraged to use the skills learnt this half term such as fronted adverbials, adverbs, expanded noun phrases and a range of sentence types. I was very proud of the stories that the children had written and it was wonderful to read all of their ideas! When we return after the half term, the children will learn how to proof read and then edit these stories in order to develop their ideas.
In our math’s lessons, we continued exploring subtraction. We learnt how to rename multiple times and how the column method can be used in order to carefully work out answers to given questions. We then applied this learning to a range of word problems and challenges.
In our afternoon learning, we started a brand new unit in art looking at Greek myths with Mrs Coman-Jones. The children thoroughly enjoyed drawing a range of ancient Greek mythological creatures and learning about their significance. In our times table challenge, the children continued working on their knowledge of multiplication facts and in geography they learnt how to identify the different continents based on their outline.
Have a wonderful half term Team 4!
Mr L