Team 4 Wb 17.1.22
Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 8:39pm
What another busy week in Team 4!
Although we had lots of the team off isolating we still managed to cram in lots of learning!
In maths, we continued exploring the perimeter of shapes and practised using rulers, cm squared paper and our number bond facts to help us calculate perimeter.
In English, we explored how Leon felt finding the box and then walking through it. We also explored how he might be feeling as he stepped into the box and also what his friends might have said to him as well.
In our afternoon learning, we continued learning about the teaching of Jesus, we had our Martin Luther King Jnr day where we learnt all about his life and took part in our very own march for Freedom and also completed team games in PE.
Have a great weekend Team 4!
Mr Lawrie