Team 4 Wb 17.4.24
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 4:28pm
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we have been busy planning our very own non-chronological reports all about an animal that interests us! The children have chosen a range of animals including eagles, great white sharks and many others! The children used the IPads to research their very own animals and they collected a wide range of information including all about their chosen animal’s diet, habitat and any interesting facts. Alongside this, the children were also asked by Mrs Davies to write their very own welcome letters to their Reception buddies who will be starting in September. They wrote their own letters on Friday and will be editing them and then publishing them on Monday.
In maths, the children finished their learning about Roman Numerals. They learnt how to write numbers up to 100 and why the Romans had different symbols for different amounts. They also recapped the column method to add. You could enhance this learning at home by giving your child two four-digit numbers to add together and asking them to show you how they worked it out.
In afternoon learning, the class practised the violin with Jay in music ready to perform to the school on Friday as part of the whole school music celebration. In PE, the children learnt all about the importance of attacking and defending ready to start playing their own games of tag rugby next week and in science they continued exploring electricity with Mrs Hulse.
Just a couple of reminders for next week:
- Please ensure that your child has returned their ‘Form C’ letter ready for the residential.
- Please bring in reading books and records on Monday so that they can be swapped.
- Mouse Mania next week is ‘Den Building’. Please send your child into school with a blanket to go over a table to build their own den.
- PE is on Thursday as usual so please send your child into school in their PE kit on this day.
- Don't forget that on Monday we have Jessica Clarke in to visit so please send your child into school in their PE kit on this day.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!
Mr L