Team 4 Wb 20.6.22
Date: 26th Jun 2022 @ 8:36pm
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we have been busy creating our own stories based on our class text 'When The Giant Stirred'. It has been wonderful to see the children use their creativity in their stories and to see how they have carefully been applying their learning in this unit into their own stories.
In our math's learning, we have continued learning about fractions and been exploring how to identify and calculate equivalent fractions using concrete, pictorial and abstract ideas to develop our knowledge and understanding.
In our afternoon learning, we completed our MTC. I was so proud of all of the children as they all tried their best. Well done Team 4! In our PE learning, we learnt how to hold bridge positions using a range of apparatus and also continued reading our class novel 'Clockwork' by Phillip Pullman.
What a busy week!