Team 4 wb 2.10.23
Date: 4th Oct 2023 @ 8:57pm
What another busy week we have hadd in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we continued reading our class text 'Gorilla'. We read how Hannah went to bed excited because it was her birthday and then woke up and opened one of her presents only to realise it was not a real gorilla but rather a teddy which she was very disappointed about! We paaused at this point in the story and learnt how to use inverted commas and speech sandwiches to show conversations between characters. We then created our own diary entries about how Hannah had been feeling up to this point in the story so far.
In maths, we started our new unit about 'addition and subtraction'. The children learnt how to use the column method and began exploring how to rename when numbers crossed over in different place value columns. The children then practised applying this learning to a range of fluency questions and word problems.
In our afternoon learning, we went swimming in PE, we learnt all about the cardinal points in geography and which countries were North, South, East or West of the United Kingdom and we also completed our weekly times tables challenge.
What a busy week!
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4
Mr L