Team 4 Wb 21.10.24

Date: 27th Oct 2024 @ 7:51am

What a busy final week we have had in Team 4!

In our English work this week, we wrote our very own non-chronological reports about gorillas. We used the IPads to research information about gorillas. Once we had completed the research, we then planned and wrote each paragraph. We wrote about what gorillas eat, where they live, what they look like and also interesting facts about them.

This week in spelling, we explored adding the suffix -ly to root words. You could support this learning at home by practising the following words with your child:






In maths, we completed our review of addition and subtraction before we moved on to our new unit which looks at multiplication and division. We explored what multiplication means and the link between multiplication and repeated addition. We focussed on our 6 and 7 times tables and also learnt that times tables are commutative (for example 6 x 7 gives the same answer as 7 x 6). You could reinforce this learning at home by practising the 6 and 7 times tables at home with your child.

In our afternoon learning, we went swimming in PE, started learning songs in music for our Christmas Markets later in the year and also completed our weekly times tables challenge.

A couple of reminders for when we return after the half term break:

School restarts on Tuesday 5th November.

Please ensure your child continues reading over the half term break. Once your child has read their school book, they can also log books they have read at home from the library etc in their record. 

Reading books will be checked and swapped on the first day back (Tuesday). Please ensure your child brings their record and books in on this day.

Swimming will resume on the first Thursday back as normal (7th November 2024).

When we return, we will be starting a new unit of learning all about the Ancient Greeks. To prepare your child for this, you could visit the library over half term and select a book to read so they can start to learn about the people who lived during this period of time.  

Mouse Mania on the Friday we return (Friday 8th November) is decorating biscuits. Children do not need to bring anything in for this.

Have a wonderful half term break everyone and thank you for all of your support this half term!

Kind regards

Mr Lawrie and Mrs Caroe