Team 4 Wb 2.1.23
Date: 4th Jan 2023 @ 10:28pm
It has been a wonderful first few days back after the Christmas break!
In our English learning, we have been learning how to use apostrophes for plural ownership. We experimented with using this punctuation in our own sentences before we applied it to given sentences. We also continued developing our knowledge of spelling rules and patterns focussing on the following spelling: -al.
You can support this learning at home by practising the following words:
- Signal
- Sandal
- Actual
- Dental
- Manual
In our math’s learning, we learnt how to multiply a number by 1 and 0 using a range of practical apparatus to consolidate this learning. We also continued practising our times tables by completing our weekly times table challenge.
In our afternoon learning, we learnt why Christians give presents at Christmas, we learnt about the British Value ‘respect’ and we also chose our Mouse Manias for the rest of this half term.
Have a great weekend Team 4!
Mr Lawrie