Team 4 Wb 25.9.23
Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 4:55pm
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we have been busy learning how to use prepositions and fronted adverbials to add additional information to our writing whilst also helping with cohesion between ideas. We looked at the next few pages of our class book 'Gorilla' and applied fronted adverbials to sentences about the main character Hannah going to bed the night before her birthday.
In maths, we concluded our learning about place value. The children learnt how to round to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand and came up with their own rules about which column to use in a four digit number to help them to round. The children then applied this learning to a range of two-step word problems.
In afternoon learning, we went swimming in PE, we learnt about Ukranian traditions and Spanish festivals as part of European Languages Day and in geography we also learnt about the compass points.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!
Mr L