Team 4 Wb 26.2.24
Date: 29th Feb 2024 @ 8:28pm
What a busy first week back we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we revisited the stories we wrote before we broke up for half term. We proof-read them and then we edited the stories using our success criteria to check we had incorporated all of the key skills learnt in the unit. We then worked on developing our understanding of homophones as well as developing our knowledge and understanding of specific spelling rules.
In maths, we started a new unit all about graphs. We learnt how to read, draw and interpret bar graphs and then compare the data presented in them in order to create statements about the information. We then learnt about a new type of graph called a line graph. We learnt about why these graphs are used and what information they can show. The children then created their own line graphs and learnt about the key features of this type of graph before answering questions about given data.
In our afternoon learning, in music, we continued learning how to play the violin and learnt a new song with our music teacher Jay. We also completed our times tables test, continued reading our class novel ‘Varjak’s Paw’, in geography we compared the human features and physical features of the Bay of Naples and in French we recapped how to say the months of the year.
Just a couple of notices/reminders:
- Please ensure that reading records and books are brought in on Monday so books can be swapped.
- The children have chosen their Mouse Manias for the rest of this half term. The activities that they have chosen are:
Friday 1st March – Toys from home and sweets/treats
Friday 8th March – Woodland play (nothing needed)
Friday 15th March – school IPads/laptops (nothing needed)
Friday 22nd March – Film and sweets (bring in own sweets/treats)
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!
Mr L