Team 4 Wb 26.9.22
Date: 2nd Oct 2022 @ 8:12am
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week we have been learning a range of new skills. We learnt how to use prepositional phrases to help build a picture in the reader’s mind when creating a piece of writing. We also learnt how we can use fronted adverbials to help add information to a sentence such as when an event happened. We then had lots of opportunities to apply these skills in independent writing tasks.
In maths, we concluded our first unit by looking at rounding. We learnt how to round numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. We went onto the playground and completed lots of practical activities to reinforce this learning before applying this concept to word problems back in the classroom.
In our afternoon learning, we were working with clay in art with Mrs Caroe. We learnt how to use a range of tools to manipulate clay and also how to shape it to make face shapes. In PE, we once again went swimming learning how to float in the water and also develop our technique. In science, we learnt how to classify animals using a range of criteria.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!
Mr Lawrie