Team 4 Wb 27.11.23
Date: 2nd Dec 2023 @ 11:45pm
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we continued exploring Greek Myths. We learnt how we can use a range of features to extend our sentences and develop sentence structure. We also looked at a range of Ancient Greek mythological creatures and started to design our very own in preparation for creating our own Ancient Greek stories.
In maths this week, the children learnt how to divide and find remainders, we created rules and observed patterns when multiplying by 0 and 1 and we also started to explore formal written methods to help us to multiply and divide larger numbers.
In our afternoon learning, we completed our weekly times table challenge. Your child should have brought home their sheet so you can see which times tables to practise with them at home. In art, we continued learning how to draw ancient mythological creatures with Mrs Coman-Jones and in history we continued learning about how they ancient Greeks used to live and the impact that they have had on the Western World today.
Unfortunately, due to issues with the pool, our swimming lesson was cancelled at the last minute but we should be back to normal again this Wednesday.
Don’t forget, we are visiting Chester on Thursday so please ensure your child wraps up warm, has paid their contribution for the coach and workshop and also has a packed lunch and snack.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4
Mr L