Team 4 Wb 28.3.22
Date: 3rd Apr 2022 @ 8:14pm
What a busy final week we have had to the Spring Term!
In our English learning, we finished writing our historical narratives about the eruption of Mount Vesuivias. Once we had finished creating these we then read them back and edited them. The children produced some truly wonderful pieces of writing and I was very proud of their application of the key skills we have learnt in this unit.
In our math's learning, we completed our end of unit assessments for multiplication and division. We applied all our learning in this unit to a range of fluency and word problem questions.
In our afternoon learning, we completed a methodology for a science experiment we will be completing after the Easter break, in PE we continued developing our tag rugby skills and understanding and in art we created our final roman masks out of clay.
Have a wonderful half term Team 4!
Mr Lawrie