Team 4 Wb 2.9.24

Date: 6th Sep 2024 @ 7:21pm

It has been a very busy first week in Team 4!

In English this week, the children wrote all about their summer holiday adventures which we enjoyed reading. We then started learning about different sentence types and focussed on understanding the composition of compound sentences. We applied this learning to write sentences about bees who fought off a hornet attack from a BBC clip we watched.

In maths, the children learnt how to count on in steps of 25 and 100 from a given number. We explored patterns and rules to help us to accurately count in these steps. After this, we then explored counting in steps of 1000 and explored what happened when we counted past 9000.

You could reinforce this learning at home by practising counting in 25 and 100 with your child.

In topic, we learnt how to ask simple questions in French and then reply. In history we explored Iron Age roundhouses and why the people of that period of time lived in them. In geography we learnt about the Equator line and also the lines of the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn and where they are positioned on a globe in relation to the Equator.

A couple of reminders for next week:

  1. We start swimming on Thursday 12th September. Please can children come to school in their normal uniform, a coat and bring their swimming items in a named bag.
  2. Mouse Mania next Friday is school IPads and laptops so the children do not need to bring anything in.
  3. Starting on Monday, please can the children start reading five times a week and ensure that this is logged in their reading record from home.  Once the children have read their school book, they can log reads of a book from home in their record as well.
  4. Clubs start week beginning 16th September.
  5. The children have completed their TT Rockstar assessments this week and their accounts are now live with the times tables they are working on set for them. Their log in details are the same as last year. If you need them again, please come and speak to one of us and we will give them to you.

Have a wonderful weekend all!

Mr L and Mrs Caroe