Team 4 Wb 3.11.20
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 5:39pm
What a fantastic start to our new half term!
We have been starting lots of new things this week in class.
Our new English unit is Gorilla by Anthony Browne. We have been making predictions about the characters and the story as a whole. We have also used a picture from the text to plan and write our own story about Hannah.
Anthony Browne books have also been our focus for reading this week and we have looked at a selection of his stories where we have used our inference skills, looked at different themes and conventions and used our practised our retrieval skills.
In maths, we have been looking at 1000 more or less, counting in 25’s and completing some maths challenges.
On Wednesday, we started our new topic ‘South America’ and we have created our own questions about what we would like to find out.
Finally, in PE we have started our football focus – it is fair to say, a lot of children were very happy about this!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Foster and Mrs Hughes