Team 4 Wb 30.11.23
Date: 4th Nov 2023 @ 9:05am
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we focussed on particular spelling patterns and rules and explored how these rules and patterns are applied when writing. In order to learn these rules, we completed a variety of games and activities including Best Bet which the children thoroughly enjoyed! We then also spent some time learning how to proof read and edit a piece of work.
In maths, we concluded our learning about addition and subtraction. We learnt different methods to complete calculations when our starting number was a thousand number e.g. 6000 – 2472. The methods we focussed on this week were the compensation method, using the inverse operation and also the column method and renaming. You could ask your child at home which of these methods they preferred and ask them to show you how they would answer the following question: 7000 – 2642 = ____
In our afternoon learning, we went swimming in PE, we practised our lines in our class assembly and also learnt about our new spotlight author Zanib Mian.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!
Mr L