Team 4 Wb 31.1.22
Date: 6th Feb 2022 @ 8:14pm
Well what another busy week in Team 4!
In our English learning this week we created a diary entry to finish our writing unit. We pretended that we were Leon from Leon and the Place Between and we wrote a diary entry about our adventures when visiting the circus. The children produced some absolutely wonderful pieces of work and I was very proud of them!
In maths, we learnt how to multiply and divide by 10 and 100. We began this learning by using practical apparatus to help us see what dividing and multiplying by ten and 100 does to a number. We then applied this learning to a range of fluency and problem-solving questions.
In our afternoon learning, we finished our French learning by recapping the vocabulary we had learnt so far, we played human rock, paper scissors in PE and we had a leaving party for Mx Burford.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!
See you on Monday ?