Team 4 Wb 3.6.24

Date: 8th Jun 2024 @ 1:22pm

What another busy week we have had!


In our English learning this week, we spent the week exploring sentence structure and then practised using different sentence types. We used the stimulus of different animals such as great white sharks to help us to practise using a range of different sentence types.


In maths, we learnt all about plotting coordinates on graphs. We explored what a coordinate is, why they are used and how to plot them. We then used this learning to plot given shapes onto a range of graphs only using given coordinates. In our times table learning, we continued practising all of the times tables in preparation for next weeks Multiplication Tables Check.


In our afternoon learning, the children made fruit salads in DT with Mrs Coman-Jones, in history we learnt all about Iron Age roundhouses and compared them to houses in Helsby now and in DEAR time the children continued reading their chosen novels.


Just a couple of reminders:


  1. Next week we will be completing the Multiplication Tables Check. Please ensure your child logs onto ‘MTC UR Brainy’ and practises.
  2. Please ensure reading records and books are returned on Monday so they can be swapped.
  3. Children are to come to school in their PE kits on Thursday please.
  4. Mouse Mania next week is board games. The children can bring in a board game to play with their friends.


Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!


Mr L