Team 4 Wb 3.7.23
Date: 6th Jul 2023 @ 10:00pm
What a busy week we have had!
This was the week of our residential and we had a wonderful time. The children thoroughly enjoyed rock climbing, canoeing, kayaking, learning survival skills and also cooking tea for themselves. The children’s behaviour was outstanding and it was lovely to have so much fun with them as we completed a range of new activities all together as a team.
On our return to school, we began researching about sloths ready to create our own non-chronologcial reports next week about them. In maths, we continued learning about money and explored the place value of numbers up to and including tenths and hundredths.
In our afternoon learning, we learnt about the water cycle and we used infiltrometers to help us explore soil saturation across different areas of the school. We timed this process and then presented our findings as a bar chart. We also completed our weekly times table test as well as continued learning about the Islamic faith in RE.
Have a lovely weekend Team 4!
Mr L