Team 4 wb 4.10.21
Date: 9th Oct 2021 @ 5:21pm
What another busy week in Team 4!
This week in English we have continued reading our focus text 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne. We have been learning how to use fronted adverbials to develop our sentences, how to choose alternate nouns to keep our reader interested and also how to upskill our vocabulary replacing common adjectives with new words we might not usually use.
Our spelling focus this week has been learning a range of Common Exception Words from the Year 3/4 list. To support this learning at home, please select six words from the list below and practise them with your child.
In our maths, we have been learning how to order numbers, partition them in a range of ways, how to solve testing word problems and also continued developing our times tables knowledge and understanding.
In our afternoon learning, we have continued learning about habitats focussing on biomes and climate zones in geography, in PE we went swimming again at the Ellesmere Port Sport's Village and in our art we continued developing our drawing skills with Mrs Carroe.
Have a great weekend Team 4!
Mr Lawrie