Team 4 Wb 4.12.23
Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 7:42pm
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we created our very own postcards written from the perspective of Odysseus to his wife about his adventures after the Trojan War. The children produced some wonderful examples of written work with a range of skills displayed including fronted adverbials, known spelling rules being applied and also vocabulary to excite the reader. We also continued publishing our poems for our Christmas books that the children are preparing to bring home next week.
In maths, we continued exploring further multiplication and learnt how to multiply three one-digit numbers (e.g. 5 x 4 x 5). We also learnt how to multiply the same two numbers (e.g. 8 x 7 and 7 x 8) and explored the relationship between two given numbers when they are multiplied together. We then learnt that using these facts, we can also create corresponding division facts.
In our afternoon learning, we went swimming in PE and also on our (very wet!) trip to Chester Cathedral and Christmas Markets. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning all about the history of the cathedral, the important religious symbols on display alongside seeing some beautiful décor such as stained-glass windows and mosaics. The children also got to produce their very own mosaic pictures which they were very excited to bring home and show you! They alsso enjoyed seeing the Christmas Markets and stalls in preperation to hold their very own next week.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4 and don’t forget to log onto TT Rockstars to try and help us beat Team 5 in our times table battle!
Mr L