Team 4 Wb 5.10.20
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 4:14pm
What an amazing week for Team 4.
We started the week with our No Outsiders class assembly where we discussed loneliness. Once again, the children shared lots of very well considered ideas and offered suggestions about how we can support those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
In our English lessons, we have been developing our understanding of contractions. To practise these we firstly pretended to be reporters commentating on the Space Race. The children jumped into their characters and it was fantastic to see. At the end of the week they wrote a fabulous description about an explosion on Apollo13.
In maths, we have been working on Number lines to 10,000 and looking at how we compare numbers. We have also continued to focus on our times tables and the children are already making progress with these.
We had a class tennis tournament in PE and on Wednesday we collected data about our skipping which we will use as part of a statistics lesson. Skipping is a big hit in Team 4.
Today we had a party in Mouse Mania and we wished one of our Millers farewell as he sets off for a new adventure. He will be missed.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4.