Team 4 wb 5.7.21
Date: 14th Jul 2021 @ 1:40pm
Well, Team 4 have continued to work hard all the way up to the end of term! We are so proud of each and every one of them.
In English we have been applying our learning and have created an information text. The children have loved this learning and we hope they have talked about it at home too.
In maths, we have been continuing to order and compare numbers and we have also completed our times table lesson as well.
In reading this week, we have had a focus on song lyrics. Team 4 have really enjoyed looking at the meaning of the lyrics and have used their inference skills to think deeper about them and identify the theme.
In PE this week, we were inspired by our No Outsiders assembly where we learnt the Jerusalema dance. The children worked really hard to learn the steps and the end performance was fantastic.
Stay safe and well everyone x