Team 4 Wb 5.9.22
Date: 11th Sep 2022 @ 7:32am
What a fantastic first week back!
Team 4 have been very busy this week getting used to their new classroom and routine!
In English this week, we spent the week recapping key skills ready to start our new writing unit next week titled 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne. We revisited sentence structure in our lessons, the use of commas in lists and also how to use vocabulary to bring the reader's imagination alive. In our spelling sessions, we recapped how the /ee/ sound can be spelt in a range of words and created rules to help us spell words when we hear this sound.
In maths, we spent the week consolidating our place value learning. We used base ten to help us make a range of three-digit numbers and explored how we can make these numbers in a range of ways. We then applied this learning to a range of word problems to help us apply it to everyday contexts. On Friday afternoon, we also completed our times table practise answering thirty questions in three minutes.
In our topic learning, we learnt how to count in multiples of 10 from 10-100 in French, we recapped the colours of the rainbow in French as well and we also learnt how to classify animals in our science lesson.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!
Mr Lawrie