Team 4 Wb 5.1.22
Date: 8th Jan 2022 @ 6:39pm
What a brilliant first few days back in Team 4!
In our English learning this week, we planned and then wrote a recount of our Christmas holidays applying previously taught skills such as fronted adverbials in our writing. It was wonderful to hear all about the different adventures the children had been on over the holidays.
In our spelling learning this week, we explored the suffix -ation. We learnt how this suffix can be added to root words and the different spelling rules we use depending on the root word. If you would like to support your child in this area of learning, you can practise the following words at home:
In our math's learning this week, we revisited our learning about length. We learnt how to convert between mm and cm, cm and m and also m and km. We applied this learning to a range of fluency questions and also reasoning and problem solving questions.
In our afternoon lessons, we learnt the days of the week in French, the names of certain animals in French and also how sound travels through the air and is sent as a signal to our brains. We also played a game of spelling bingo practising our jumping red words from the Year 3 and 4 common exception word list.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!
Mr Lawrie