Team 4 Wb 9.12.24

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 3:03pm

What another busy week we have had in Team 4!

In our English lessons this week, we have been busy writing our very own Ancient Greek myths. We planned each part of our stories including designing our own mythological creature. We then spent the week writing each paragraph of our stories. We still have two more parts to write which we will complete on Monday and Tuesday before we proof read and edit our work.

This week in spelling, we looked at the suffix –ation. We explored how we can add this suffix to verbs to make nouns. We then explored the different spelling rules when this is added to root verbs. You can support this learning at home by practicing the following words:

  • Information
  • Alteration
  • Exploration
  • Observation

In our maths work this week, we began exploring how to use the column method to multiply two-digit numbers. We explored how to set out the column method and then created step-by-step journals to support us with how to use this method. We then explored numbers where no renaming was required and also where renaming was also required.

In our afternoon learning, we continued learning all about the Ancient Greeks. We learnt what life was like for people in this period of time and then we designed our very own Greek pots that showcased an image of someone completing a daily chore. In music, we continued learning our Christmas carols in preparation for our Christmas Markets next week and we also had the opportunity to watch the pantomime in the hall with the other classes in school.

Reminders and what is happening next week 

Please ensure that reading records and books are brought in on Monday to be checked and swapped. Please ensure that your child has logged five reads in their record for the week gone.

On Tuesday we have our Christmas Markets in the hall from 2.30pm. Please see the previous message from myself and Miss Morris for more details.

Wednesday is Christmas lunch day.

On Thursday, we have our Christmas class parties. Children do not need to bring anything in for this.

On Friday, Mouse Mania is a film and sweets. Children can bring in a bag of sweets for this.

Please can children also bring in their reading records and books on Friday ready for them to be swapped in preparation for the Christmas break.

Have a wonderful weekend all!

Kind regards

Mr Lawrie and Mrs Caroe