Team 4 Wb 9.1.23
Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 8:23pm
What another busy week we have had in Team 4!
In our English learning, we have been busy writing our own diary entries based on The Great Oz! The children have created some wonderful diary entries and used a range of skills such as fronted adverbials, prepositional phrases and expanded noun phrases.
In our math's learning, we have explored how to mutliply three one-digit numbers, the relationship between multiplying two one-digit numbers and how the numbers can be moved around and also dividing by single-digit numbers.
In our afternoon learning, we started our first PE lesson of the new series focussing on teamwork and communication skills. In our art learning we continued developing our drawing skills with Mrs Carroe and in science we explored how sound vibrations moved through different mediums.
Have a great weekend
Mr Lawrie