Team 5: w/b 29.02.16

Date: 4th Mar 2016 @ 4:48pm

This week in Team 5 we received some extremely exciting news! 

We found out that our class will be filmed by the BBC for the One Show, on Thursday 10th March, about the Daily Mile. As a result of this information, we have been practising our Daily Mile everyday regardless of the weather, and the children have been thoroughly enjoying it. 

On Monday in Mathematics we used problem solving skills to figure out how many laps of the playground we would need to complete in order to complete a mile. The children then put this to the test in the afternoon, soon discovering that running/walking a mile within 15 minutes is quite challenging! During our Mathematics for the rest of the week, we have been focusing upon translating and reflecting shapes.

In English, we have begun the imitation stage for Recount Texts, with the focus in particular being upon diary entries. The children have been colour coding their work to match our different sentence focuses and picking out features that would make their own writing outstanding.

The afternoons this week have been filled with Art, Science and PE, alongside a chat with Duncan from the Daily Mile team on Friday.

All in all, it has been a brilliant, exciting week for Team 5!

Have a great weekend, see you all again next week!


Miss Martin