Team 5: w/b 08.02.16
Date: 20th Feb 2016 @ 6:18pm
Within the week before half term, we consolidated our knowledge of fractions in Mathematics. The children worked really hard on this all week to master skills revolving around converting denominators. During our English lessons we finished innovating and began inventing a character description, the children based their plans on our class-created toolkit. They will be writing up these descriptions after the half term break and completing a hot task of applying their character description to a context!
It was also Chinese New Year at the start of the week, from which we designed some artwork; we kept to the theme of the Year of the Monkey. It was great to see the children so inspired by different chinese designs and they incorporated these ideas into their own creations.
The children also enjoyed their final French lesson this week. The blocks will be changing after half term and so French lessons will be replaced by PE with Premier Sports, every Tuesday afternoon. For this please ensure your child has their PE kit in school.
I hope everyone has had a relaxing half term break, ready and raring to go for the second part of the Spring term!
Miss Martin