Team 5: w/b 11.01.16
Date: 16th Jan 2016 @ 7:18pm
This week in Team 5 we have been focusing upon angles in Mathematics. The children took every challenge in their stride, applying their knowledge in a variety of contexts: we all found these lessons very enjoyable.
In English we continued to work on our Explanation text unit, building and developing our skills to write our final piece on Friday. When I marked their work this weekend, I was highly impressed with the level of writing and I found their explanation texts very informative. We also had a go at writing free verse poetry for our 'Cold Task', in preparation for our free verse poetry unit next week.
We also learnt more about our topic, focusing in particular on volcanoes and earthquakes. We considered the scientific side of things regarding how these natural disasters occur, as well as considering the impact upon the people living in affected areas.
P4C on Wednesday afternoon was extremely interesting. We discussed and voted around focus question, with the children suggesting and voting upon: Is killing ever justified? The whole class got involved with taking it in turns to express their opinion, expressing whether they agreed or disagreed with the previous comment and justifying their views.
All in all, a brilliant week full of learning!
Have a great weekend, and see you all next week.
Miss Martin