Team 5 WB 11.9.23

Date: 15th Sep 2023 @ 4:46pm

Team 5 have completed their first FULL week in Year 5! 


This week we have learned about the continents of the world and prepared ourselves for our topic on North America. In English we have been writing a diary entry and recapping a wide range of punctuation skills. In maths we have been exploring the value of 6 digit numbers and trying to order and compare these.


One of the highlights of the week has been lunchtimes! To clarify - Team 5 have been helping their new buddies in Reception to settle in and learn about our lunchtime routines. Many of the wider staff commented upon exemplary behaviour and examples of care that our Team 5 children demonstrated.


On Monday, we have a special workshop to learn about the Mayan Civilization.


Have a great weekend everybody.