Team 5: wb 12.09.16

Date: 18th Sep 2016 @ 5:59pm

This week in Team 5 we hit the ground running with our first poetry unit, focusing upon Ted Hughes poetry. The children practised our action map, found key features of the poet's style of writing and had a go at drafting their own poetry. We also unpicked our focus poem 'Hawk Roosting' , exploring and inferring around what each line means.

In Mathematics, we began looking at place value. The children worked with six-digit numbers, practising reading the numbers, ordering and determining the value of each digit. We also began to answer reasoning-based questions.

We began the week with a PE team building session, followed by a gymnastics session led by Premier Sports on the Tuesday. We also began our Anglo-Saxon topic, learning about where they came from and how they lived.

I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend, ready for learning tomorrow. See you then!


Miss Martin