Team 5: w/b 12.10.15
Date: 17th Oct 2015 @ 2:30pm
We began the week performing our harvest poem in the harvest assembly. Within a short space of time, the children had learnt the poem to near perfection. The enthusiasm in their voices, their rhythm and their timing really shone through during the assembly. I was very proud of the effort that had gone into such a polished performance!
During English this week, we have been learning about Non-Chronological reports. We have drafted up a toolkit, considered key features and memorised the action map for a report on Anglo-Saxon villages. Next week, we will be writing our own reports.
During Mathematics we have been considering multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1,000. Determination and perserverance was noticeable with all children throughout, and it it is something we are going to do some further work on next week to solidify our understanding.
We also began our Science topic: living things and their habitats. We considered the characteristics of the different categories of creatures (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish and insects), and the varying life cycles. Next week we will be focusing upon plants.
All in all it has been a brilliant week! Enjoy your weekend, and see you next week!
Miss Martin