Team 5 Wb 12.6.23
Date: 17th Jun 2023 @ 8:33am
Phew what a scorcher! A huge well done to Team 5 for all of their learning this week in these especially mild conditions.
We started the week with a bang, with our school sports day. I was very proud of the attitude and effort of all of the children and I hope that you agree that it was a lovely morning. In the afternoon, the children completed some art for our GRTHM competition.
This week, the children have been applying some important writing and editing skills in our work about elephants. In maths, we completed our unit on decimals and did a test to see what we could remember! In the wider curriculum we have completed some geography, French and PSHE too. Also, the children had the first of their relationships and sex education lessons today.
We hope all of our families have a lovely weekend.