Team 5: w/b 16.11.15
Date: 20th Nov 2015 @ 8:34pm
This week in Team 5 we have been continuing to practise for the upcoming KS2 Play: the children have been independently learning their lines and we have been carrying out singing practise both as a class and as a key stage. All of the adults have been impressed with the standard of singing, with all children trying their best and making a real effort to learn the lyrics.
Mathematics has been particularly challenging this week, with the focus at the start of the week being a formal written method for division and the focus at the end of the week revolving around fractions. Nethertheless, the children have worked really hard and their perseverance is to be credited.
English this week involved boxing up and planning the innovated section of the learning sequence, in preparation for writing next week.
Additionally, I introduced the children to our new science topic: Earth and Space. The children were very inquisitive and I have recorded all of their questions -hopefully they will all be answered at some point during the topic!
Have a fantastic weekend, and see you all again next week!
Miss Martin
REMINDER: Swimming begins on Thursday 26th November.