Team 5 WB 1.7.24

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 5:30pm


Team 5 have had another busy week.

On Thursday we went for a walk to Helsby High Street with two members of the Parish Council. We were armed with litter pickers, bags and some data collection sheets. The children all took their responsibilities extremely seriously and I think we made a big impact. Team 5 ended up at the park and we enjoyed a bit of playtime before the walk home. We certainly got our steps in!

In class, we have been writing paragraphs about elephants. We completed some research and then applied the facts to our sentences. This work is to support the understanding of our English text,  The Hunter, about a little girl who finds an orphaned elephant in the African bush.

In maths, we have been completing our unit on area and perimeter. Don't forget to put us to the test at home too!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. 

Mrs Hughes and Team 5