Team 5 WB 21.11.22
Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 3:45pm
This week in team 5, we have been beginning to get into the Christmas spirit. We have been practising our Christmas songs for our carol concert and are starting to sound like angels!
We have been doing some very tricky maths this week. The children have been looking at prime, squared and cubed numbers. We explored this concept using manipulatives and found that a squared number will make a shape when using counters.
In English, we have explored using paragraphs and speech in our writing. First we watched a video and chunked the action into sections, then we wrote a paragraph for each. We used speech sandwiches, fronted adverbials and many other skills that we had learnt to make our writing the best it could be!
In art this week we have been carrying on our topic of Disney and drawing the characters from several different movies. This time we drew Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald duck! The children found it great fun to draw along to Disney animators and show each other their amazing masterpieces.
This week in P.E we have been learning tactics. The way we have been learning this was by splitting into teams and playing fun games against other teams. The children helped each other win the games and learnt the best tactics to use.
Another one of the exciting things we did this week was French bingo or as we learnt, lotto! First of all we learnt the French ten times table up to one hundred and practised saying and writing them. After we had practised, we wrote six of them on a whiteboard and played French bingo. Lotto!
The last lesson of the week was science where we looked at light sources and reflections. The children explored different objects and wrote down if they were light sources or reflectors. We even came up with some of our own!
Have a lovely weekend and thank you to those who were able to contribute to our hamper!
Take care, Team 5