Team 5: w/b 23.11.15

Date: 28th Nov 2015 @ 2:43pm

This week in Team 5 we have been continuing with our science topic, Earth and Space, with the children learning about the orbit of the planets around our sun. They were split into groups in which they made models of each of the planets, considering the different sizes, ready to be made into a mobile next week.

In Mathematics, we focused around fractions, decimals and percentages: the children became very confident with converting between the three.

In English, we innovated our boxed-up versions of a fantasy story. The story was broken down into opening, build-up, problem, resolution and ending: we had each section of the story as a focus for each day this week. Next week will be the invention stage of the process, in which the children will have the freedom to write their own fantasy story entirely independently.

Team 5 also went swimming this week, and although I was unable to attend myself, the feedback I received from the children was positive and it sounds like they are going to really enjoy this weekly session.

Practise for our christmas production will move up a notch next week, with the whole of KS2 rehearsing scenes together. It is all very exciting and all of the children have been working hard with their singing for several weeks now.

Have a wonderful weekend, and hopefully all of this rain stops!


Miss Martin