Team 5 WB 22.5.23
Date: 26th May 2023 @ 4:32pm
Well done Team 5 for another fabulous week of learning.
This week we have continued our learning about decimals in maths. The children have been confidently adding and subtracting decimal numbers including money. Great skills Team 5.
In English, we have been writing the final section of our persuasive text about land fill sites.The children have explored the issues around how we manage waste in this country and they then created an information leaflet with their learning.
On Wednesday the children showed huge resilience and care when they were working on a sewing project. On Thursday, we learned about the 5 K’s in Sikhism and then created a PowerPoint to display our learning and on Friday we enjoyed playing on the field for our Mouse Mania time.
Well done on another super half term Team 5 – I can’t believe there is only one half term left before the children become Team 6. It's going too quickly! Have a great break everyone.